Mobile App Developer Zelfstudiepakket

In dit zelfstudiepakket zit het cursusmateriaal en een labomgeving.

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    Foto van medewerker van Startel (Eliano Patty).

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  • 365 Dagen toegang
  • Taal: Engels

€825,- Excl. BTW

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In dit zelfstudiepakket zit het cursusmateriaal en een labomgeving.

Android is the ubiquitous operating system found in millions of devices from phones to appliances and laptops. With such widespread use, there's an innumerable number of uses for the OS.

This Learning Kit will explore mobile development with Android, including the basics of designing apps and interfaces and essential coding practices, to more advanced topics including interactivity, activities, connectivity, and services. Defensive programming and security, as well as debugging and testing are also covered.

This learning package with more than 55 hours of training contains the following modules:

  • Module 1: Programming Fundamentals.
  • Module 2: Developing Android Applications.
  • Module 3: Mobile App Development on Android.
  • Module 4: Getting Started with the Kotlin Programming Language.
  • Module 5: Mobile Development with Flutter.


Module 1: Programming Fundamentals

  • E-learning.
    • Programming Fundamentals: Command Line Interface & Operating System Commands.
    • Programming Fundamentals: Introduction to Programming.
    • Programming Fundamentals: Systematic Design with Pseudocode.
    • Programming Fundamentals: Algorithms, Sorting, & Searching.
    • Programming Fundamentals: Object-oriented Programming.
    • Programming Fundamentals: Programming Best Practices.

Module 2: Developing Android Applications

  • E-learning.
    • Introduction.
    • App Structure and Formatting.
    • App Layout.
    • Creating an App with Java.
    • Activities, Connectivity, and Services.
    • Defensive Programming and Security.
    • Debugging and Testing.

Module 3: Mobile App Development

  • E-learning.
    • An Introduction Android Development.
    • Building a Basic Android App.
    • Defining the UI for an Android App.
    • Coding the Behavior of an Android App.
    • Authentication in an Android App.
    • Testing an Android App.
  • Online Mentor.
    • You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam: Journeyman Developer.
  • Practice Labs.
    • Perform Journeyman Developer tasks such as configuring Android Project, managing Android Virtual Device, working with Layout, and linking Intent. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after working with NavigationUI, managing splash screen and user interface, and using Espresso. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Journeyman Developers, including Android Studio.

Module 4: Getting Started with the Kotlin Programming Language

  • E-learning.
    • Kotlin Programming Language: Getting Started with Kotlin.
    • Kotlin Programming Language: Basic Programming Concepts in Kotlin.
    • Kotlin Programming Language: Functional Programming with Kotlin.
    • Kotlin Programming Language: Object-oriented Programming with Kotlin.

Module 5: Mobile Development with Flutter
Mobile app development has become an essential skill in today's technology-driven world. This learning journey is focused on mobile app development with Flutter and is divided into two tracks. The first track covers the fundamentals of Dart programming and the Flutter framework. It starts with an introduction to Flutter and Dart programming language and covers using variables, collections, functions, classes, and objects.

The track then delves into exploring different layouts, including implementing basic Flutter layouts, stateful widgets, stacks, lists, and grids, and building an application using layouts and navigation.

The second track focuses on building mobile apps with Flutter, including creating forms, detecting, and handling gestures, implementing and configuring animations, integrating Flutter with backends using HTTP requests, persisting data on the local device, and integrating with Google Firebase. Additionally, it covers testing and debugging techniques for Flutter apps.

Track 1: Fundamentals of Dart Programming and Flutter Framework.
In this track of the Mobile Development journey, you will learn about Flutter and the Dart programming language as well as layouts in Flutter.

  • E-learning.
    • Flutter Development: Introducing Flutter & the Dart Programming Language.
    • Flutter Development: Using Variables, Collections, & Functions in Dart.
    • Flutter Development: Using Classes & Objects in Dart.
    • Flutter Development: Getting Set Up with Flutter for Application Development.
    • Layouts in Flutter: Implementing Basic Flutter Layouts.
    • Layouts in Flutter: Exploring Stateful Widgets.
    • Layouts in Flutter: Implementing Stacks, Lists, & Grids in Flutter.
    • Layouts in Flutter: Building an Application Using Layouts & Navigation.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam: Fundamentals of Dart Programming and Flutter Framework.

Track 2: Building Mobile App with Flutter.
In this track of the Mobile Development journey, the focus will be on creating forms and animations in Flutter, integrating Flutter with backends, and testing and debugging Flutter Apps.

  • E-learning.
    • Forms and Animations with Flutter: Working with Input Widgets & Forms.
    • Forms and Animations with Flutter: Detecting & Handling Gestures.
    • Forms and Animations with Flutter: Implementing & Configuring Animations.
    • Flutter and Backends: Connecting to Remote Backends Using HTTP Requests.
    • Flutter and Backends: Persisting Data on the Local Device.
    • Flutter and Backends: Integrating Flutter with Google Firebase.
    • Mobile Development: Testing & Debugging Flutter Applications.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam: Building Mobile Apps with Flutter.

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Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.