Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package

The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package contains the official course materials. You have 1 year access to the EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package.

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    Foto van medewerker van Startel (Eliano Patty).

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  • 365 Dagen toegang
  • Taal: Engels

€995,- Excl. BTW

Algemene omschrijving

The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package contains the official course materials. You have 1 year access to the EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package.

This latest iteration of EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler (E|CIH) program has been designed and developed in collaboration with cybersecurity and incident handling and response practitioners across the globe.

The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package is a comprehensive specialist-level program that imparts knowledge and skills that organizations need to effectively handle post breach consequences by reducing the impact of the incident, from both a financial and a reputational perspective.


The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package is particularly suitable for the following people:

  • Penetration Testers.
  • Application Security Engineers.
  • Vulnerability Assessment Auditors.
  • Cyber Forensic Investigators/Analysts.
  • SOC Analysts.
  • Risk Assessment Administrators.
  • System Administrators/Engineers.
  • Network Administrators.
  • Firewall Administrators.
  • Network Managers/IT Managers.


By completing the EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  • Understand the key issues plaguing the information security world.
  • Learn to combat different types of cybersecurity threats, attack vectors, threat actors and their motives.
  • Learn the fundamentals of incident management including the signs and costs of an incident.
  • Understand the fundamentals of vulnerability management, threat assessment, risk management, and incident response automation and orchestration.
  • Master all incident handling and response best practices, standards, cybersecurity frameworks, laws, acts, and regulations.
  • Decode the various steps involved in planning an incident handling and response program.
  • Gain an understanding of the fundamentals of computer forensics and forensic readiness.
  • Comprehend the importance of the first response procedure including evidence collection, packaging, transportation, storing, data acquisition, volatile and static evidence collection, and evidence analysis.
  • Understand anti-forensics techniques used by attackers to find cybersecurity incident cover-ups.
  • Apply the right techniques to different types of cybersecurity incidents in a systematic manner including malware incidents, email security incidents, network security incidents, web application security incidents, cloud security incidents, and insider threat-related incidents.


The EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package is a specialist-level program that caters to mid-level to high-level cybersecurity professionals.

In order to increase your chances of success, it is recommended that you have at least 1 year of experience in the cybersecurity domain. E|CIH members are ambitious security professionals who work in Fortune 500 organizations globally.


  • Module 01: Introduction to Incident Handling and Response.
  • Module 02: Incident Handling and Response Process.
  • Module 03: Handling and Responding to Malware Incidents.
  • Module 04: Handling and Responding to Email Security Incidents.
  • Module 05: Handling and Responding to Web Application Security Incidents.
  • Module 06: Handling and Responding to Network Security Incidents.
  • Module 07: Handling and Responding to Cloud Security Incidents.
  • Module 08: Handling and Responding to Insider Threats.
  • Module 09: Forensic Readiness and First Response.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

Hieronder is een overzicht te vinden van trainingsmogelijkheden voor de Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) Self-Study Package training, met zowel klassikale als virtuele trainingen. Selecteer de best passende optie en start jouw reis naar succes.

Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.

Veelgestelde vragen over de ECIH E-Learning

  • Welke onderwerpen worden er behandeld in de ECIH E-Learning?

    In de ECIH E-Learning worden onderwerpen behandeld als incidentbeheer en -respons, incidentbeheer- en responsprocessen, omgaan met malware-, e-mail-, webapplicatie-, netwerk- en cloudbeveiligingsincidenten, het behandelen van insider threats (bedreigingen van binnenuit), forensic readiness (de bereidheid om forensische onderzoeken uit te voeren) en eerste respons.

  • Welke praktische vaardigheden zal ik verkrijgen met de ECIH E-Learning?

    Door de ECIH E-Learning door te nemen, zul je leren hoe jij effectief met cyberincidenten om kunt gaan, waaronder het identificeren, analyseren en reageren op beveiligingsinbreuken, evenals het beperken van financiële schade en reputatieschade.

  • Wat zijn de voordelen van het doornemen van de ECIH E-Learning?

    De ECIH E-Learning biedt jou diepgaande kennis en vaardigheden op het gebied van incidentbeheer. Hierdoor zul je in staat zijn om organisaties te helpen bij het effectief afhandelen van beveiligingsincidenten en bij het versterken van de algehele beveiligingshouding.

  • Hoe helpt de ECIH E-Learning bij het identificeren van insider threats?

    Door de ECIH E-Learning door te nemen, zul je leren hoe jij gedrag en activiteiten binnen een organisatie in de gaten kunt houden en hoe jij verdachte handelingen op tijd kunt ontdekken en hoe jij deze aan kunt pakken.

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Wij zijn dé IT-opleider van het noorden
  • Train bij ons in Drachten of op jouw eigenlocatie.
  • Klanten geven ons een 9.2
  • Erkende trainers.
  • Ontvang een certificaat na deelname!
Foto van medewerker van Startel (Eliano Patty).
Foto van medewerker van Startel (Eliano Patty).