Software Tester Zelfstudiepakket

In dit zelfstudiepakket zit het cursusmateriaal en een labomgeving.

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  • Taal: Engels

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In dit zelfstudiepakket zit het cursusmateriaal en een labomgeving.

Before new software can be released, it has to go through testing to find and fix any possible bugs. Testing used to all be done manually and was time consuming and not always accurate.

With the evolution of DevOps, testing is automated using different tools, frameworks, and scripts, and it is more reliable and much faster. Explore the different strategies, tools, and techniques to help you update your skills to become an automated tester.

This learning path, with more than 60 hours of online content, is divided into the following four tracks:

  • Track 1: Software Tester.
  • Track 2: QA Specialist.
  • Track 3: QA Lead.
  • Track 4: Automated Tester.


Track 1: Software Tester

In this track of the Software Tester to DevOps Automated Tester Journey, the focus will be on software testing for DevOps, navigating testing tools, test automation, and continuous integration.


  • E-learning courses.
    • Software Testing for DevOps: Testing & DevOps Overview.
    • Software Testing for DevOps: DevOps Testing Pipeline.
    • Software Testing for DevOps: DevOps Test Tools.
    • Navigating Software Testing Tools: Types of Software Testing Tools.
    • Test Automation: Automated Software Testing.
    • Exploring CI: Continuous Integration & CI Tools.
  • Online Mentor.
    • You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam: Software Tester.
  • Practice Labs: Software Tester.
    • Practice Software Tester tasks such as working with a testing pipeline, using DevOps code promotion, and using various testing tools. Then, challenge yourself by exploring test automation and continuous integration, working with virtualization, and setting up test environments, and configuring testing topologies.

Track 2: QA Specialist

In this track of the Software Tester to DevOps Automated Tester Journey, the focus will be on API management, unit testing, testing clean code, testing with Docker, and automated testing.


  • E-learning courses.
    • API Management and DevOps.
    • Unit Testing in DevOps Software Development.
    • Implementing Unit Testing Best Practices.
    • Role of Testing in Managing Clean Code.
    • Automated Testing with Docker.
    • Kubernetes & Automation Testing.
    • AWS Automated Testing: Environments & Services.
  • Online Mentor.
    • You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam QA Specialist.
  • Practice Labs: QA Specialist.
    • Practice QA Specialist tasks such as working with unit tests and employing testing best practices. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after exploring containers, scaling testing environments, using cloud testing tools and advanced testing topologies. This lab provides access to tools typically used by QA Specialists, including:
      • Jira.
      • FitNesse.
      • Docker.
      • Eclipse.
      • PowerShell.
      • AWS CLI.
      • Kubernetes.

Track 3: QA Lead

In this track of the Software Tester to DevOps Automated Tester Journey, the focus will be on manual vs automated testing, Agile software testing cycle, test driven development, end to end testing, CI/CD for automated testing, and modifying test frameworks.


  • E-learning collections.
    • Comparing Manual & Automated Testing.
    • Software Testing Cycle: Agile Testing.
    • Test Driven Development: Implementing TDD.
    • End-to-End Automated Testing: End-to-End Testing Implementation.
    • Test Framework Modification.
    • CI/CD Best Practices: Applying Automated Testing.
  • Online Mentor.
    • You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam: QA Lead.
  • Practice Labs: QA Lead.
    • Practice QA Lead tasks such as working with Selenium WebDriver, configuring and using Cucumber with Eclipse, using Jest and applying TDD for Python Applications. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing browser automation, implementing integration testing using JUnit and Spring, and using chains assertions and the Jasmine Framework. This lab provides access to tools typically used by QA Leads.

Track 4: Automated Tester

In this track of the Software Tester to DevOps Automated Tester Journey, the focus will be on testing with SoapUI, Cucumber, HP UFT, TestComplete, Python, and Selenium.


  • E-learning collections.
    • API Test Automation with SoapUI.
    • BDD Testing with Cucumber.
    • HP UFT: Functional Test Automation.
    • TestComplete: Test Automation with TestComplete.
    • Automation Testing for Python.
    • Module-based Testing: Automated Testing with Model-based Testing.
    • Selenium: Using Selenium for Continuous Testing.
    • Building & Implementing Test Automation Frameworks.
  • Online Mentor.
    • You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
  • Assessment.
    • Final Exam: Automated Tester.
  • Practice Labs: DevOps Automated Tester.
    • Practice DevOps Automated Tester tasks such as automating API test, using BDD tools, testing and analyzing with TestComplete and configuring continuous integration tests using Selenium. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing asserts using TestNG, configuring and implementing GraphWalker, testing web applications and using automation frameworks. This lab provides access to tools typically used by DevOps Automated Testers, including:
      • VS Code.
      • Python.
      • Eclipse.
      • PowerShell.
      • Anaconda.
      • Selenium.
      • WebDriver.
      • Cucumber.
      • Node.js.
      • Jest.
      • Junit.
      • Jasmine Framework.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

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Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.