Automating Administration with PowerShell (AZ-040) Zelfstudiepakket

Met de AZ-040 E-Learning ontwikkel je essentiële PowerShell-vaardigheden voor het beheren en automatiseren van Windows Server. De AZ-040 E-Learning bevat het AZ-040 cursusmateriaal en 180 dagen toegang tot een uitgebreide labomgeving; binnen deze periode kun jij jouw eigen tempo leren en oefenen. De opgedane kennis en vaardigheden stellen jou in staat om handmatige processen te vereenvoudigen, geavanceerde scripts te ontwikkelen en waardevolle rapporten te genereren. Bereid je voor op een succesvolle carrière in systeembeheer en automatisering met de AZ-040 E-Learning.

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  • Studeer in je eigen tijd en tempo
  • 365 Dagen toegang
  • Taal: Engels

€295,- Excl. BTW

Algemene omschrijving

The AZ-040 E-Learning is entirely in English. As a Dutch IT training provider, we offer the information on this page in Dutch. At the bottom of the page, you will find a brief summary in English. The topics within the AZ-040 E-Learning package itself are described in English.

De AZ-040 E-Learning biedt jou een grondige inleiding op het gebruik van PowerShell om Windows Server effectief te beheren en administratieve taken te automatiseren. Door de AZ-040 E-Learning door te nemen, zul jij jouw kennis en vaardigheden verbeteren en zul je vertrouwd raken met het uitvoeren van de juiste commando’s voor uiteenlopende beheertaken.

Met de AZ-040 E-Learning leer je niet alleen om handmatige processen te vereenvoudigen, maar ook om geavanceerde scripts te ontwikkelen waarmee jij veelvoorkomende taken kunt automatiseren en waarmee jij waardevolle rapporten kunt genereren. De opgedane kennis en vaardigheden kunnen goed van pas komen binnen diverse Microsoft-oplossingen, waaronder Windows Server, Microsoft Azure en Microsoft 365. Windows Server dient als basisvoorbeeld, zodat je praktische vaardigheden verkrijgt met technieken die je direct in kunt zetten binnen diverse ICT-omgevingen.

De AZ-040 E-Learning bevat gedetailleerd AZ-040 cursusmateriaal en een uitgebreide labomgeving die 180 dagen toegankelijk is. Binnen deze periode heb jij de gelegenheid om in jouw eigen tempo het AZ-040 cursusmateriaal door te nemen en te oefenen met de praktische labopdrachten. Ten slotte biedt de praktijkgerichte AZ-040 E-Learning een stevige basis voor een succesvolle carrière in systeembeheer en automatisering.


De AZ-040 E-Learning is met name geschikt voor de volgende mensen:

  • ICT-professionals met ervaring in algemene beheertaken binnen Windows Server en clientedities van Windows (zoals Windows 10 en/of Windows 11).
  • Professionals die met Microsoft Azure en Microsoft 365 werken en hun PowerShell-vaardigheden uit willen breiden.
  • Beheerders van Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server en Microsoft SQL Server, die geavanceerde PowerShell-technieken toe willen leren passen in hun dagelijkse werkzaamheden.
  • Iedereen met een achtergrond in systeembeheer die wil leren hoe PowerShell gebruikt kan worden voor geautomatiseerd beheer.

Wat is inbegrepen

Hier is een overzicht van de inhoud van de AZ-040 E-Learning:

  • Gedetailleerd AZ-040 cursusmateriaal
    • Het AZ-040 cursusmateriaal bevat alles wat je nodig hebt om PowerShell te leren gebruiken voor het beheren en automatiseren van Windows Server.
  • Uitgebreide labomgeving
    • 180 dagen toegang tot een praktische labomgeving waarin je met het oefenen en toepassen van technieken binnen PowerShell, zoals het automatiseren van veelvoorkomende taken en het genereren van rapporten.


Voordat je begint met de AZ-040 E-Learning is het van belang dat jij beschikt over de volgende kennis en vaardigheden:

  • Ervaring met netwerktechnologieën en implementatie binnen Windows.
  • Ervaring met het beheren, onderhouden en oplossen van problemen in Windows Server.


Module 1: Getting started with Windows PowerShell

This module will introduce you to Windows PowerShell and provide an overview of the product’s functionality. The module explains how to open and configure Windows PowerShell. It also explains how to run commands and use the built-in Help system in Windows PowerShell.


  • Windows PowerShell overview.
  • Understand Windows PowerShell command syntax.
  • Find commands and get help in Windows PowerShell.

Lab: Configuring Windows PowerShell, and finding and running commands

  • Configuring the Windows PowerShell console application.
  • Configuring the Windows PowerShell ISE application.
  • Finding and running Windows PowerShell commands.
  • Using About files.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe key features of Windows PowerShell, and open and configure it.
  • Discover, learn, and run Windows PowerShell commands.
  • Find Windows PowerShell commands for performing specific tasks.

Module 2: Windows PowerShell for local systems administration

This module introduces you to the different types of cmdlets commonly used for system administration. While you can search for cmdlets each time you need to accomplish a task, it is more efficient to have at least a basic understanding of these cmdlets. This module also explains how to manage Windows 10 by using PowerShell..


  • Active Directory Domain Services administration cmdlets.
  • Network configuration cmdlets.
  • Server administration cmdlets.
  • Windows PowerShell in Windows 10.

Lab: Performing local system administration with PowerShell

  • Creating and managing Active Directory objects.
  • Configuring network settings on Windows Server.
  • Creating a website.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify and use cmdlets for AD DS administration.
  • Identify and use cmdlets for network configuration.
  • Identify and use cmdlets for server administration tasks.
  • Manage Windows 10 using PowerShell.

Module 3: Working with the Windows PowerShell pipeline

This module introduces the pipeline feature of Windows PowerShell. The pipeline feature is included in several command-line shells such as the command prompt in the Windows operating system. However, the pipeline feature in Windows PowerShell provides more complex, flexible, and capable functionalities compared to other shells. This module provides you with the skills and knowledge that will help you use Windows PowerShell more effectively and efficiently.


  • Understand the pipeline.
  • Select, sort, and measure objects.
  • Filter objects out of the pipeline.
  • Enumerate objects in the pipeline.
  • Send and pass pipeline data as output.

Lab: Using PowerShell pipeline

  • Selecting, sorting, and displaying data.
  • Filtering objects.
  • Enumerating objects.
  • Converting objects.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of the Windows PowerShell pipeline.
  • Select, sort, and measure objects in the pipeline.
  • Filter objects out of the pipeline.
  • Enumerate objects in the pipeline.
  • Send output consisting of pipeline data.

Module 4: Using PSProviders and PSDrives

This module introduces the PSProviders and PSDrives adapters. A PSProvider is basically a Windows PowerShell adapter makes some form of storage resemble a hard drive. A PSDrive is an actual connection to a form of storage. You can use these two technologies to work with various forms of storage by using the same commands and techniques that you use to manage the file system.


  • Using PSProviders.
  • Using PSDrives.

Lab: Using PSProviders and PSDrives with PowerShell

  • Creating files and folders on a remote computer.
  • Creating a registry key for your future scripts.
  • Create a new Active Directory group.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use PSProviders.
  • Use PSDrives.

Module 5: Querying management information by using CIM and WMI

This module introduces you to two parallel technologies: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Common Information Model (CIM). Both these technologies provide local and remote access to a repository of management information including access to robust information available from the operating system, computer hardware, and installed software.


  • Understand CIM and WMI.
  • Query data by using CIM and WMI.
  • Make changes by using CIM and WMI.

Lab: Querying information by using WMI and CIM

  • Querying information by using WMI.
  • Querying information by using CIM.
  • Invoking methods.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Differentiate between CIM and WMI.
  • Query management information by using CIM and WMI.
  • Invoke methods by using CIM and WMI.

Module 6: Working with variables, arrays, and hash tables

Variables are an essential component of scripts. You can use variables to accomplish complex tasks that you can't complete by using a single command. This module explains how to work with variables, arrays, and hash tables as steps in learning how to create Windows PowerShell scripts.


  • Use variables.
  • Manipulate variables.
  • Manipulate arrays and hash tables.

Lab: Using variables, arrays, and hash tables in PowerShell

  • Working with variable types.
  • Using arrays.
  • Using hash tables.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Assign a value to variables.
  • Describe how to manipulate variables.
  • Describe how to manipulate arrays and hash tables.

Module 7: Windows PowerShell scripting

This module explains how to package a Windows PowerShell command in a script. Scripts allow you to perform repetitive tasks and more complex tasks than cannot be accomplished in a single command.


  • Introduction to scripting with Windows PowerShell.
  • Script constructs.
  • Import data from files.
  • Accept user input.
  • Troubleshooting and error handling.
  • Functions and modules.

Lab: Using scripts with PowerShell

  • Signing a script.
  • Processing an array with a ForEach loop.
  • Processing items by using If statements.
  • Creating users based on a CSV file.
  • Querying disk information from remote computers.
  • Updating the script to use alternate credentials.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Run a Windows PowerShell script.
  • Use Windows PowerShell scripting constructs.
  • Import data from a file.
  • Accept user input for a script.
  • Implement error handling for a script.
  • Explain functions and modules.

Module 8: Administering remote computers with Windows PowerShell

This module introduces you to the Windows PowerShell remoting technology that enables you to connect to one or more remote computers and instruct them to run commands on your behalf.


  • Use basic Windows PowerShell remoting.
  • Use advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques.
  • Use PSSessions.

Lab: Performing remote administration with PowerShell

  • Enabling remoting on the local computer.
  • Performing one-to-one remoting.
  • Performing one-to-many remoting.
  • Using implicit remoting.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe remoting architecture and security.
  • Use advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques.
  • Create and manage persistent remoting sessions.

Module 9: Managing Azure resources with PowerShell

This module provides information about installing the necessary modules for cloud services management. It explains how to use PowerShell commands to perform some simple administrative tasks on cloud resources such as Azure virtual machines (VMs), Azure storage accounts, and Azure subscriptions. This module also describes how to use the Azure Cloud Shell environment to perform PowerShell-based or Bash-based administration directly from the Azure portal.


  • Azure PowerShell.
  • Introduce Azure Cloud Shell.
  • Manage Azure VMs with PowerShell.
  • Manage storage and subscriptions.

Lab: Azure resource management with PowerShell

  • Activating the Azure subscription and installing the PowerShell Az module.
  • Using Azure Cloud Shell.
  • Managing Azure resources with Azure PowerShell.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe, install, and use the Azure PowerShell environment.
  • Describe and use Azure Cloud Shell.
  • Manage Azure VMs with PowerShell.
  • Manage Azure storage accounts and subscriptions with Azure PowerShell.

Module 10: Managing Microsoft 365 services with PowerShell

This module describes how to use PowerShell to manage Microsoft 365 user accounts, licenses, and groups, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams.


  • Manage Microsoft 365 user accounts, licenses, and groups with PowerShell.
  • Manage Exchange Online with PowerShell.
  • Manage SharePoint Online with PowerShell.
  • Manage Microsoft Teams with PowerShell.

Lab: Managing Microsoft 365 with PowerShell

  • Managing users and groups in Azure AD.
  • Managing Exchange Online.
  • Managing SharePoint.
  • Managing Microsoft Teams.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use PowerShell to manage users, groups, and licenses in Azure AD.
  • Manage Exchange Online with PowerShell.
  • Manage SharePoint Online with PowerShell.
  • Manage Microsoft Teams with PowerShell.

Module 11: Using background jobs and scheduled jobs

This module describes how to use background jobs and scheduled jobs. It also explains how to create scheduled jobs and retrieve job results.


  • Use background jobs.
  • Use scheduled jobs.

Lab: Jobs management with PowerShell

  • Starting and managing jobs.
  • Creating a scheduled job.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create and manage background jobs.
  • Create and manage scheduled jobs.

English Summary

The AZ-040 E-Learning provides a comprehensive introduction to using PowerShell for effectively managing Windows Server and automating administrative tasks. Through detailed AZ-040 course materials and 180 days of access to hands-on labs, you will enhance your skills in building commands and creating advanced scripts for automation and reporting. The AZ-040 E-Learning prepares you to apply PowerShell techniques across various Microsoft solutions, including Windows Server, Azure, and Microsoft 365, laying a solid foundation for a career in system administration and automation.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

Hieronder is een overzicht te vinden van trainingsmogelijkheden voor de Automating Administration with PowerShell (AZ-040) Zelfstudiepakket training, met zowel klassikale als virtuele trainingen. Trainingen met een vinkje en ‘Start gegarandeerd’ gaan altijd 100% door.

Veelgestelde vragen over de AZ-040 E-Learning

  • Welke onderwerpen worden er behandeld in de AZ-040 E-Learning?

    De onderwerpen die in de AZ-040 E-Learning worden behandeld zijn onder andere het ontwikkelen van PowerShell-scripts, het beheren van Azure resources, foutopsporing in scripts, het werken met pipeline-commando’s en het automatiseren van beheertaken.

  • Hoe kan de AZ-040 E-Learning mij helpen om mijn werk vereenvoudigen?

    Door te leren om PowerShell-scripts te ontwikkelen, kun je tijdrovende en veelvoorkomende taken automatiseren.

  • Hoe kan de AZ-040 E-Learning mij helpen om beter met Microsoft Azure te werken?

    Door de AZ-040 E-Learning door te nemen, zul je leren hoe jij PowerShell kunt gebruiken voor het beheren van Azure resources, zoals virtuele machines, opslag en netwerken, wat essentieel is voor cloudbeheer.

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  • Train bij ons in Drachten of op jouw eigenlocatie.
  • Klanten geven ons een 9.2
  • Erkende trainers.
  • Ontvang een certificaat na deelname!
Foto van medewerker van Startel (Pieter Fokkema).
Foto van medewerker van Startel (Pieter Fokkema).