Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package

The Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package contains the official course materials. You have 1 year access to this self-study package.

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  • 365 Dagen toegang
  • Taal: Engels

€1995,- Excl. BTW

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The Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package contains the official course materials. You have 1 year access to this self-study package.

Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package is a hands-on self-study package designed and developed by cloud security professionals in association with subject matter experts across the globe. The C|CSE combines vendor-neutral and vendor-specific cloud security concepts and strengthens foundational knowledge and practical skills for working with popular cloud platforms like AWS, AZURE, and GCP. The C|CSE stands out among other cloud security certifications, empowering professionals to plan, implement, and maintain secure cloud environments. It validates their abilities to protect against and respond to threats in cloud network infrastructures.


The Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package is particularly suitable for the following people:

  • Network Security: Administrator/Engineer/Analyst.
  • Cyber Security: Engineer/Analyst.
  • Cloud: Administrator/Engineer/Analyst.
  • CND: Certified Professionals.
  • Info: Security Professionals.
  • Any other role that involves: Network/Cloud Administration, Management, and Operations.


By completing the Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  • Plan, implement, and execute cloud platform security for an organization.
  • Securely access cloud resources through identity and access management (IAM).
  • Evaluate and control organizational cloud network architecture by integrating various security controls the service provider offers.
  • Evaluate cloud storage techniques and threats on data stored in the cloud and understand how to protect cloud data from attacks.
  • Implement and manage cloud security on various cloud platforms, such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Understand the shared responsibility model of the service provider.
  • Evaluate various cloud security standards, compliance programs, and features offered by AWS, Azure, and GCP, and perform cloud computing security audits.
  • Implement various threat detection and response services provided by Azure, AWS, and GCP to identify threats to an organization’s cloud services.
  • Evaluate and mitigate security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in a cloud platform.
  • Integrate best practices to secure cloud infrastructure components (network, storage and virtualization, and management).
  • Secure organizational cloud applications by understanding the secure software development lifecycle of cloud applications and by implementing additional security controls to enhance the security of hosted cloud applications.
  • Design and implement a GRC framework, a cloud incident response plan, and a business continuity plan for cloud services.
  • Utilize the security services and tools provided in Azure, AWS, and GCP to secure the organizational cloud environment.
  • Understand the legal implications associated with cloud computing to protect organizations.
    Implement operational controls and standards to build, operate, manage, and maintain the cloud infrastructure.
  • Understand and implement security for private, multi-tenant, and hybrid cloud environments.


Before going through the Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package, we recommend that you have basic cybersecurity knowledge.


  • Module 01: Introduction to Cloud Security.
  • Module 02: Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud.
  • Module 03: Application Security in the Cloud.
  • Module 04: Data Security in the Cloud.
  • Module 05: Security Operations in the Cloud.
  • Module 06: Penetration Testing in the Cloud.
  • Module 07: Incident Response in the Cloud.
  • Module 08: Forensic Investigation in the Cloud.
  • Module 09: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud.
  • Module 10: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance in the Cloud.
  • Module 11: Standards, Policies, and Legal Issues in the Cloud.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

Hieronder is een overzicht te vinden van trainingsmogelijkheden voor de Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) Self-Study Package training, met zowel klassikale als virtuele trainingen. Trainingen met een vinkje en ‘Start gegarandeerd’ gaan altijd 100% door.

Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.