EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package

The EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package contains the official course materials. You have 1 year access to this self-study package.

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  • 365 Dagen toegang
  • Taal: Engels

€1995,- Excl. BTW

Algemene omschrijving

The EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package contains the official course materials. You have 1 year access to this self-study package.

The EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package identifies vulnerabilities and takes appropriate countermeasures to prevent and mitigate failure risks for an organization. It also provides the networking professional a foundation in disaster recovery course principles, including preparation of a disaster recovery plan, assessment of risks in the enterprise, development of policies and procedures, an understanding of the roles and relationships of various members of an organization, implementation of a plan, and recovering from a disaster.


The EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package is particularly suitable for the following people:

  • IT Professionals in the BC/DR or System Administration domain.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Consultants.
  • Individuals wanting to establish themselves in the field of IT Business.
  • Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
  • IT Risk Managers and Consultants.
  • CISOs and IT Directors.


By completing the EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  • Introduction to business continuity, risk management, and disaster recovery.
  • Disasters and emergency management, and applicable regulations.
  • DR planning process, preparation, recovery of systems and facilities.
  • Incident response and liaison with public services and regulatory bodies.
  • Exposure to various services from government and other entities.


  • Module 01: Introduction to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity.
  • Module 02: Business Continuity Management (BCM).
  • Module 03: Risk Assessment.
  • Module 04: Business Impact Analysis (BIA).
  • Module 05: Business Continuity Planning (BCP).
  • Module 06: Data Backup Strategies.
  • Module 07: Data Recovery Strategies.
  • Module 08: Virtualization-Based Disaster Recovery.
  • Module 09: System Recovery.
  • Module 10: Centralized and Decentralized System Recovery.
  • Module 11: Disaster Recovery Planning Process.
  • Module 12: BCP Testing, Maintenance, and Training.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

Hieronder is een overzicht te vinden van trainingsmogelijkheden voor de EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) Self-Study Package training, met zowel klassikale als virtuele trainingen. Trainingen met een vinkje en ‘Start gegarandeerd’ gaan altijd 100% door.

Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.