Java Developer Zelfstudiepakket

In dit zelfstudiepakket zit het cursusmateriaal en een labomgeving.

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  • Taal: Engels

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In dit zelfstudiepakket zit het cursusmateriaal en een labomgeving.

Java is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the world and one of the two official programming languages used in Android development. Though Java is a pure object-oriented language, it has developed into a multi-paradigm language making it highly compliant to any situation. Developers familiar with Java can build a wide range of applications, games, and tools. If you are new to Java development, you may be a little apprehensive - how easy is Java to learn?

This learning journey helps you get started with Java and it will take you all the way to becoming an accomplished Java developer. In this Journey, you will begin by exploring the roots and the significant features of Java and you will get a solid foundation with step-by-step hands-on code examples using JShell. In the second track, you will take a deep dive into the advanced features of Java - like exception handling, Generics, Lambdas, and Reflection.

The second track concludes with a focus on building jar files for Java Libraries. In the final track you will learn database connectivity with Java as well as how to build web applications and web services in Java. In short, you will learn to write Java programs from scratch and become a confident Java developer.

This learning path, with more than 70 hours of online content, is divided into the following tracks:

  • Track 1: Java Novice.
  • Track 2: Java Apprentice.
  • Track 3: Javanista.


Track 1: Java Novice

In this track, the focus will be on Java fundamentals, control structures, modeling entities, mapping relationships, and interactive Java & JShell.

  • E-learning courses.
    • Getting Started with Java: The Fundamentals of Java Programming.
    • Getting Started with Java: Writing & Running Java Programs.
    • Getting Started with Java: Variables & Primitive Types.
    • Getting Started with Java: Operators.
    • Control Structures in Java: Implementing Java Control Structures.
    • Modeling Entities in Java: Getting Started with Classes & Objects.
    • Modeling Entities in Java: Defining Custom Classes & Objects.
    • Modeling Entities in Java: Methods, Method Overloading, & Constructors.
    • Modeling Entities in Java: Static Members, Arguments, & Method Overriding.
    • Mapping Relationships in Java: Modeling Is-a Relationships Using Inheritance.
    • Mapping Relationships in Java: Constructors & Polymorphism.
    • Mapping Relationships in Java: Overriding Methods and Using Access Modifiers.
    • Mapping Relationships in Java: Working with Interfaces & Class Loaders.
    • Interactive Java & JShell: Writing Java Programs with the Interactive JShell.
  • Final Exam assessment.
    • Estimated duration: 90 minutes.

Track 2: Java Apprentice

In this track, the focus will be on handling errors, arrays and the Java collection framework, nested classes and lambda expressions, reflection for runtime inspections, and building Jar files.

  • E-learning courses.
    • Handling Errors: An Introduction to Exceptions.
    • Handling Errors: Handling Exceptions in Java.
    • Handling Errors: Advanced Topics in Exceptions.
    • Collections in Java: Arrays & Non-parameterized ArrayLists.
    • Collections in Java: Lists & List Operations.
    • Collections in Java: Sets & Maps.
    • Generics in Java: Creating Classes and Methods Using Generics.
    • Generics in Java: Bounded Type Parameters & Wildcards.
    • Classes in Java: Working with Static Nested, Inner, & Local Classes.
    • Classes in Java: Creating & Using Anonymous Classes.
    • Classes in Java: Implementing Functional Interfaces Using Lambdas.
    • Java: Getting Started with Reflection.
    • Java: Accessing Constructors, Methods, & Fields Using Reflection.
    • Java: Working with Annotations, Generics, & Arrays Using Reflection.
    • Java: Leveraging Reflection to Build Dynamic Proxies & Unit Tests.
    • Java Archive (JAR): Building Java Archives.
    • Java Archive (JAR): Packaging Java Apps Using Maven.
  • Final Exam assessment.
    • Estimated duration: 90 minutes.

Track 3: Javanista

In this track, the focus will be on object serialization and JSON parsing, HTTP requests, connecting to and querying databases with JDBC, building web applications with JSP, and building web services.

  • E-learning collections.
    • Serialization in Java: Getting Started with Object Serialization.
    • Serialization in Java: Using JSON Simple for Serialization & Parsing.
    • Serialization in Java: Using JSON in Java for Serialization & Parsing.
    • HTTP Requests in Java: Sending Simple HTTP Requests.
    • HTTP Requests in Java: HTTP Requests with Java’s HttpClient.
    • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): An Introduction to JDBC.
    • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Interacting with Databases using RowSets.
    • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Joining & Filtering Data with RowSets.
    • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Batch Executions & Transactions with JDBC.
    • Building Web Applications with JSP: An Introduction to JSP.
    • Building Web Applications with JSP: Handling Errors.
    • Building Web Applications with JSP: Customizing Responses with Servlets.
    • Building Web Applications with JSP: Integrating a JSP App with a Database.
    • Java Web Services: Getting Started with SOAP-based Web Services.
    • Java Web Services: Integrating Web Services with a Database.
    • Java Web Services: Building REST APIs.
    • Java Web Services: Enabling CRUD Operations with REST APIs.
  • Final Exam assessment.
    • Estimated duration: 90 minutes.
  • Practice Labs: Javanista (estimated duration: 8 hours).
    • In this lab, the focus will be on object serialization and JSON parsing, HTTP requests, connecting to and querying databases with JDBC, building web applications with JSP, and building web services. The following exercises will be performed:
      • Implement serialization, deserialization, and externalizable interface.
      • Implement JSON operations with Objects.
      • Implement a simple HTTP request with Maven.
      • Connect to a database using MySQL.
      • Implement data joins with tables using Rowset in MySQL.
      • Build a web application using JSP.
      • Implementing a web service in JSP with MySQL database.
      • Building a RESTful API-based application.
    • In the lab, you will have access to the following:
      • Java (JDK14).
      • Eclipse.
      • MySQL.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

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Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.