IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning

This e-learning contains the course materials and hands-on exercises.

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    Foto van medewerker van Startel (Pieter Fokkema).

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  • 365 Dagen toegang
  • Taal: Engels

€799,- Excl. BTW

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This e-learning contains the course materials and hands-on exercises.

This self-paced certification course provides comprehensive knowledge on all the key elements needed for strong IT asset management. You will learn the essential concepts necessary for the effective acquisition and life cycle management of hardware, software, and mobile assets.

Today’s increasingly complex business landscape can be a challenge for organisations to manage all their IT hardware and software assets. As IT departments are looking to operate at peak efficiency while minimising waste and ensuring they remain in compliance, there is a need to understand the full picture of an IT Asset Management (ITAM) program.

This e-learning combines theory with hands-on exercises so students can apply the concepts in practice. As a result, this e-learning is more consultative in nature, which is more practical for your organisation’s needs.


This e-learning is particularly suitable for the following people:

  • IT staff working in asset management, product (lifecycle) managers, and procurement specialists.
  • IT professionals who have responsibility for the procurement, receipt, lifecycle management, inventory and audit control processes, or the disposal of IT assets for their organisation.
  • Procurement and purchasing professionals outside of IT, who work closely with IT professionals to acquire IT assets and who want a better understanding of the unique challenges to managing IT assets.
  • IT Management will benefit from this foundational understanding of IT asset management to more effectively support and enable the asset management programs in their organisations.


By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:

  • Demonstrate the value of IT asset management through the alignment of objectives and key measures to benefit the organisation.
  • Learn how to establish appropriate foundation and parameters for an effective IT Asset Management program; including scope, governance, policies and controls.
  • Understand the different types and characteristics of IT assets.
  • Understand the various legal, contract and regulatory compliance concerns related to acquiring, managing, and disposing IT assets.
  • How to ensure cost-effective acquisition of assets through standards, justification, recovery and reuse of assets, and common organisation procurement practices.
  • Discover the importance of asset documentation and documentation management as critical elements for the management of individual assets and the overall IT Asset Management program.
  • Learn how to manage the lifecycle of IT assets, beginning with the structured receipt and validation of assets, asset identification, inventory and license control, through the end-of-life of the assets.
  • Learn how to properly, effectively and legally dispose of IT assets at end-of-life.
  • Learn how to prepare for and manage asset audits.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities for effective and proper management and use of IT assets, both within IT and the greater organisation.
  • Learn to effectively integrate asset management and the configuration management system, understanding the critical relationships and dependences, as well as the major differences between the two.

Exam Information:

  • Duration: 60 minutes.
  • Format: Closed book, multiple-choice.
  • Pass Mark: 65% (26 marks).


You do not need any prior knowledge to access this e-learning.


  • Module 1: Introduction.
  • Module 2: IT Asset Management Strategy and Vision.
  • Module 3: IT Asset Management Parameters.
  • Module 4: Tools and Technology.
  • Module 5: IT Asset Management Practices (Part A).
  • Module 6: IT Asset Management Practices (Part B).
  • Module 7: Metrics and Measures, and Guiding Principles.
  • Module 8: IT Asset and Configuration Management.
  • Module 9: Wrap Up and Review.
  • Module 10: Trial Exam.

Trainingsdata en inschrijven

Hieronder is een overzicht te vinden van trainingsmogelijkheden voor de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning training, met zowel klassikale als virtuele trainingen. Trainingen met een vinkje en ‘Start gegarandeerd’ gaan altijd 100% door.

Deze training is alleen als zelfstudie beschikbaar.

Veelgestelde vragen over de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning

  • Welke onderwerpen worden er behandeld in de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning?

    De onderwerpen in de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning zijn onder andere de waarde van IT-middelenbeheer, het opzetten van een ITAM-programma, de soorten en kenmerken van IT-middelen, het naleven van wettelijke en contractuele verplichtingen, evenals het beheren van de levenscyclus van IT-middelen.

  • Hoelang heb ik toegang tot de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning?

    Na aanschaf heb jij maximaal 365 dagen toegang tot de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning. Binnen een jaar krijg jij de gelegenheid om de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning in jouw eigen tempo door te nemen.

  • Wat zijn de voordelen van het doornemen van de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning?

    Na afloop zul je in staat zijn om de waarde van IT-middelenbeheer aan te tonen binnen jouw organisatie. Daarnaast zul je hebben geleerd hoe jij kosten kunt beheren, hoe jij de naleving van wet- en regelgeving kunt waarborgen en hoe jij de efficiëntie van IT-processen kunt verbeteren.

  • Wat wordt er bedoeld met de levenscyclus van IT-middelen?

    Door de IT Asset Management Essentials E-Learning door te nemen zul je de levenscyclus van IT-middelen leren te begrijpen. De levenscyclus omvat alle fasen van een IT-middel, van de aanschaf en implementatie tot het onderhoud, de upgrade en uiteindelijk het wegwerken.

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Wij zijn dé IT-opleider van het noorden
  • Train bij ons in Drachten of op jouw eigenlocatie.
  • Klanten geven ons een 9.2
  • Erkende trainers.
  • Ontvang een certificaat na deelname!
Foto van medewerker van Startel (Eliano Patty).
Foto van medewerker van Startel (Eliano Patty).